Extending the original time line past Leon's and Max's death, I could see the Teapot Teens showing up looking for help to find their time exploring parents who are trapped in a bubble. They become part of St. Marys adding innovation and joie de vivre to every adventure. Working with them gives Dieter something to live for and challenges Peterson to bring them in line. Dr. Foster takes them under her wing along with the stalwart ladies with tales from Battersea. Gutherie has a time getting them to take their physical training seriously when they can do so much better with their tech inventions. As for Markham, well he has to be rescued one way or another. Maybe Mrs Green becomes Dr. Bairstow's confidant and supporter. Of course, the bad guys seriously underestimate the Teens much to their dismay.

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I agree that Markham has to be rescued or else there is a paradox....

I have wondered why the twins haven't gone home, aside from the Time Police probably waiting for them.

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I intended to write that Ian Gutherie would gain a new purpose in living by taking the teen twins under his wings.

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In the original timeline, Isabella Barclay died before Leon and Max.

In the second timeline, she killed Max at the time that Leon died in the original timeline, and she was still at St Mary's when Max went there with Leon. This suggests that events around everyone being lost in the Cretaceous went rather differently in the second timeline - presumably Max didn't give Barclay a reason to sack her and Barclay didn't get caught out on deliberately leaving people behind.

If I understand things correctly, then a younger Isabella Barclay had already killed Leon's first wife, (I am assuming this was in both timelines) meaning that she was already working for Clive Ronan at that stage of her life. Even if she got together with Leon in either timeline and became a happy and fulfilled person, etc, I can't see Clive Ronan letting her go - she's too valuable an asset for him. I'm afraid that there were always going to be tears before bedtime, so to speak, for Isabella.

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And in the second timeline, with no Max to return as Lucy, there is another whole St Mary’s fate to consider. Mrs Partridge is one busy lady keeping track of both.

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