I love Zara's narrations of Jodi's books so much that I searched for other authors she has narrated for.

I'm now hooked on the Charity Shop Murder Detectives and the Cornish Village Murders series (though I'm sure the chocolate labrador in "Death At The Dog Show" should have been called Rolo, like the chocolates, rather than Rollo. And lieutenant is pronounced Lef-tenant not Loo-tenant)

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I’ve just started the Cornish Murder series, chosen purely because Zara narrates!

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Zara's narration is a key element of these audio books for me, and I marvel at her ability to keep so many different characters consistent in tone and accent. No matter which book he's in, Dr. Bairstow always sounds like, well, Dr. Bairstow, as do Max, and Leon, and Markham and the others. That's perhaps to be expected for major characters, but the same is true for the minor characters as well. And how important it is, since the over-arching story line goes on through the different books. Zara's reading is what holds it all together as an integrated whole.

Her choices of characterisation are also key. Read in another voice, Max could just sound brash and a bit hard, but Zara conveys the vulnerability in the character; just as she does the steadiness of Leon, and the niceness of Peterson, and the coldness of Ronan, and the beguiling (and deceptive) warmth of Brigid Lafferty.

It's enormously accomplished and highly professional work, and we all owe Zara a big vote of thanks for bringing these books to life!

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I have an audible account and listen on my way to work (45min to 1hr & 1/2) every day to and from work. I have hundreds of audio books in my library and several favorite readers at this point. Zara Ramm is absolutely my most favorite. I have been through all the St. Marys and Time Police books and Jodi and Zara seem to have a seamless mutual sense of adventure, character, and irony. I am a trained actor and drama teacher myself and have tried reading and recording my sister-in-law's books (Laughing Loaf Mysteries - Victoria Kazarian), I gave up after the first chapter I attempted. This is grueling solitary work, and I understand the pressure to record a book quickly for publishing is immense. Anybody who does it well is a treasure to those of us, so many of us, who enjoy audio books, especially those who have no better way to enjoy literature. Please keep them coming!

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I absolutely love your narrations! I have listened to almost everything you have read. You are the voice of Jodi Taylor’s St Marys and Time Police. A winning combination, favorite author and favorite reader

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